
Certified Hypnotist Training Course

Ongoing (check for next class date)


Activating the Soul Star Chakra & Accessing the Ascended Realms

April 2nd, 2025

This chakra is responsible for allowing us to raise our vibration, spiritually progress, connect to our soul, Divine Consciousness and high frequencies of spiritual knowledge, while bringing those vibrations into our higher chakras and body.  Come learn about this amazing portal, while clearing and activating it!  We’ll then work on utilizing this special chakra to connect with the Ascended Realms (higher realms of the heavens in which the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Source reside).

Note: We will also be giving participants other free bonus recordings to also enjoy at home

When: Wed., 4/2 from 6-7:30pm (Pacific)

Where: By live video conferencing only

(We use Zoom for video attendance – which is super easy to use and feels like you’re right in the class space)

Cost: $20/person (or household)
Pre-registration is required. To pre-register to reserve your spot, email Renee: or call 503-786-4000.

*Must be pre-registered by 5pm on class day, so that we can add you to the Zoom list.

* Can't make the class but wish you could attend? You can pay for the class & receive the class audio recording and bonus classes. Email us for details.


Intuition Academy- a Developing Your Intuition Series

4 Wednesdays: April 9th - 30th

A Special Mentoring Series with Renee

We all have intuition - our internal guidance system that always tries to guide us.

Want clearer guidance and to better understand how your intuition works?

Want to gain more access to and clarity about your intuitive gifts?

Each and every person has the ability to be in tune or to be intuitive,

but we each have our own way, our own gifts for connecting and receiving information.  

Let me show you how!

Join us for this special mentoring series to:

* Get to know and better understand how to use your intuition – your internal guidance system

* Understand the difference between the ego and the intuition

* Learn how YOUR intuition communicates with you

* Understand how your intuition works for you

* Develop a better connection and relationship with your intuitive self

* Learn how to discern the difference between your mind vs true guidance

* Learn how to Increase your intuitive accuracy

* Learn how to trust your vibes

* Learn how to stay centered, certain and confident in your decision making

* Learn how to stay in-tune & alignment with your intuition

* Discover, get to know, access & communicate with your Soul Self

(Your Higher Self, your Inner Guide)

* Gain tools for heart centered and connected living

* Easily tap into creativity and guidance anytime you wish

* Learn how to calm mental chatter and fears

* Learn how to clear doubt, blocks or uncertainty about your gifts

* Learn how to better understand your Life Purpose work

* And more!

This is a hands-on training and mentoring work with Renee to help you better understand and continue to develop your own gifts.

Renee will also be sharing channeled messages and answering your questions throughout the training.

Students will receive links to download audio copies of the class, as well as a list of bonus classes to support and continue the work.

Students of all levels welcome.

When: 4 Wednesday nights: 4/9 – 4/30 from 6-7:30pm (Pacific)

Where: By live video conferencing only

(We use Zoom for video attendance – which is super easy to use and feels like you’re right in the class space)

Cost: $75/person or household.

Seating is limited. Pre-registration is required.

How to pre-register or for more info:

Email Renee at or call 503-786-4000

* Can't make the class but wish you could attend? You can pay for the class & receive the class audio recordings and bonus classes. Email us for details.


Channeling 2 Training

6 Thursdays: April 10th - May 15th

Continuing your Practice of Channeling - we will be working on:

·         Deepening the Trance State

·         Learning how to Utilize the different depths of Trance (light, medium and deep)

·         Working with the Higher Chakras (the Soul Star Chakra and beyond)

·         Aligning with and Channeling the Ascended Masters and Councils of Light

·         Meeting your Divine Channeling Team

·         Reading for Self and Others

·         Removing Blocks

·         Understanding and Adjusting to Different Realms & Frequencies

·         and more!

* Channeling Cert. Training (through me) required for pre-requisite on this one.

(Let me know if you haven't taken the first course, and we'll see how we can catch you up).

Cost: $300/person.

*Already attended this training with Renee, but want a refresher or practice? Special refresher rate: $200/person.

Let me know if needing to split your tuition into payments over the course.

Where: By live video conferencing only

(We use Zoom for live video conferencing. It's super easy to use & like you're in the classroom.)

Upcoming Course Dates: 6 Thursdays: April 10th - May 15th from 6-7:30pm (Pacific)

Pre-registration is required so we can add you to the Zoom list.

To reserve your spot, or for more information, contact Renee at:


Visiting The Akashic Records Class

May 7th, 2025

Join us for a visit with Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron as we explore the Akashic Records - the Library of Light which contains access to all knowledge, including your own special files. These files often times contain information about this life, past lives, your karma, purpose, destiny, etc. We will also do some karmic healing and clearing work as well.

* Note: Participants will also receive FREE additional class recordings on the topic as a bonus to continue the work. *

When: Wed., 5/7 from 6-7:30pm (Pacific)

Where: By live video conferencing only

(We use Zoom for video attendance – which is super easy to use and feels like you’re right in the class space)

Cost: $20/person (or household)
Pre-registration is required. To pre-register to reserve your spot, email Renee: or call 503-786-4000.

*Must be pre-registered by 5pm on class day, so that we can add you to the Zoom list.

* Can't make the class but wish you could attend? You can pay for the class & receive the class audio recording and bonus classes. Email us for details.


Certified Angelic Healer Training Course

6 Wednesdays: May 14th - 28th & June 11th - 25th

Become a Certified Angelic Healer with this accelerated training course taught by Renee.*

Curriculum includes:

  • Self-healing strategies: holding sessions for yourself and others
  • Practicum on becoming an angelic healer – the vessel through which source energy and angelically guided energy flows
  • Working with energy (seeing, sensing, channeling, and attuning)
  • Energy healing session training (short and long sessions)
  • Chakra clearing with energy and pendulums
  • Communicating with and invoking angels for healing
  • Clearing, shielding and protection:  self, spaces, others
  • Healing past lives, karma, etc.
  • Distance healing
  • Reading and clearing of auras
  • Working with the healing archangels & the angels of the rays (chakra angels)
  • Basic work with crystals and oils
  • Energy work practice and guidance
  • Bonus Materials: Healing the Heart Beach Workshop and Healing Hypnosis Audio Downloads

* Must pre-register to attend, no walk-ins please

* Must attend most of the classes to receive certification

Where: By live video conferencing only

(We use Zoom for live video conferencing. It's super easy to use & like you're in the classroom.)

Upcoming Course Dates: 6 Wednesdays: 5/14-5/28 & 6/11-6/25 from 6-7:30pm (Pacific)

Registration: $300/person (special price, usually $400)

*$100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your spot, the rest of the tuition is due the first day of class

*Already attended this training with Renee, but want a refresher or practice? Special refresher rate: $200/person